
I hope everyone tolerates my rant here. For those who don't know Janice (my significant other) or me well, we are ebayers. I recently ran into and issue. I saw a vhs of Remy's Crossada volumes 1 & 2. When I saw it on ebay I was excited! I thought that this could be some lost footage of the Prof. I myself have been in several different video shoots that weren't released before his death and I was hoping that this maybe one of those types of videos.

I won the auction and received my tape. Wouldn't you know it, it was miss advertised. When I put the tape in my vcr I saw that it was volumes 4 & 5 of Prof. original series. I was PISSED!
  1. I had contacted the seller to find out what was on the tape. He told me crossada.
  2. It was a bootleg of the Prof. video.
  3. When I brought it to his attention that it was a bootleg he said "it was listed as a copy" and ignored the point that it was illegal to sell it.
The seller did inform me that I could send the tape back and get a refund, but I wasn't about to let him sell this copy or any other bootleg. In the end Ebay did help me get my money back. So what is the moral of the story? Caveat emptor - Let the buyer beware. There is a lot of black market stuff being passed of as licensed original and WE in the know need to police it.

I hope I haven't bore anyone. It's time for me to get off my soapbox.