Datu Hartman & PG Scott at Danish TKD Easter Camp

Datu Hartman & PG Scott at Danish TKD Easter Camp
Teaching at the 2004 Danish TKD Easter Camp

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Modern Arnis Family Reunion Camp July 14 - 17, 2011


We are rapidly approaching the 10 year anniversary of Grand Master Remy Amador Presas’ death. Since the Professors’ passing, there has been quite a bit of political nonsense. Many of us in the Modern Arnis community contributed to the problem, including myself. I can’t rewrite the past. What I can do is try to help our community move forward, but not alone. I have invited 11 instructors for their assistance with this task. We will put aside our differences and share the art that we were taught by Professor.

I humbly request the members of the Modern Arnis community come together to help us honor our teacher. The road to redemption can be a long, lonely one. I propose that we keep each other company and travel down that road together.

Respectfully Yours,
Datu Tim Hartman
Remy Presas Modern Arnis

Here is the information for the camp so far:

Modern Arnis Family Reunion Camp “A Time for Healing”

July 14 - 17, 2011

Horizon Martial Arts
West Seneca (Buffalo), New York

Instructors (in alphabetical order):

* Dan Anderson
* Bram Frank
* Chuck Gauss
* Tim Hartman
* Dieter Knüttel
* Rick Manglinong
* Rich Parsons
* Edessa Ramos
* Kelly Worden
* Brian Zawilinski

More information will follow.

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